Parents all over America are gearing up to OPT OUT of the end of year high stakes tests and practice tests. Lets not be left in the dust. We need parents to organize and hand in the OPT OUT FORM. Here are the instructions INSTRUCTIONS. Our form allows parents to not only OPT OUT of high stakes testing but the digital platform and surveys (all of which are used to collected data including biometric data).
It was verified today with the state of TN that there is NO LAW that requires a parent to subject their children to the high stakes tests TNReady. So do not let them intimidate you. Stand firm. You are not asking permission. You are advising them your children will not be participating in their high stakes testing/data collection scheme.
True there is no opt out provision in TN (our legislators made sure to kill any chance we had of that) but there also is no law that says parents cannot refuse/opt out. Personally I feel any test a parent cannot see is a test you should REFUSE. So I strongly recommend you take the Thomas More Law Center Privacy Form and hand it in before the TNReady starts. And get ready for next year. I am sure they will want to pass legislation to take that right away. But for now you have the right to REFUSE to have your children participate in TNReady. Lets show NY and NJ (2nd highest opt out in the country) that TN parents have joined the fight for the South!!! Feel free to contact me is you have any questions. BUT HURRY. Time is short.
Karen Bracken
It was verified today with the state of TN that there is NO LAW that requires a parent to subject their children to the high stakes tests TNReady. So do not let them intimidate you. Stand firm. You are not asking permission. You are advising them your children will not be participating in their high stakes testing/data collection scheme.
True there is no opt out provision in TN (our legislators made sure to kill any chance we had of that) but there also is no law that says parents cannot refuse/opt out. Personally I feel any test a parent cannot see is a test you should REFUSE. So I strongly recommend you take the Thomas More Law Center Privacy Form and hand it in before the TNReady starts. And get ready for next year. I am sure they will want to pass legislation to take that right away. But for now you have the right to REFUSE to have your children participate in TNReady. Lets show NY and NJ (2nd highest opt out in the country) that TN parents have joined the fight for the South!!! Feel free to contact me is you have any questions. BUT HURRY. Time is short.
Karen Bracken