By Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco
I have had the privilege of living in New Jersey my entire life. I was born here, went to school here, raised my family here, and continue to work here. Fortunately for me, two of my children have chosen to stay here
By Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco
I have had the privilege of living in New Jersey my entire life. I was born here, went to school here, raised my family here, and continue to work here. Fortunately for me, two of my children have chosen to stay here
Sheriff Saudino insists men like those he controls should be the "Only Ones" allowed to have "weapons [that] are
designed to take out mass amounts of people..." (Bergen County Sheriff's Office/Facebook photos)
Bergen County Sheriff Saudino breaks
Did the NJEA waste $5M trying to oust Sweeney? Here's what union members said.
Senator Rubio is backing our local NJ Senate candidate. Her name is Ileana Schirmer and she is running in the 14th district against Linda Greenstein. Ileana is a Hamilton Councilwoman.
Here are Marco's words of support.
"My friend Ileana Schirm
Middlesex County jail won’t help feds deport all arrested immigrants
June 8, 2017
This month the all-Democratic Board of Freeholders ordered Sheriff’s officers not to assist federal immigration officials in deportation matters, and ordered the jail t
Bail Reform Supporter Fails to Gain Republican Nomination in Middlesex
By Shore News Network - Mar 19, 2017
I personally do not want to continue to have our tax money spread amongst the unions and special interests. It is time to review and change, for one, the prevailing w
On June 29, 2016, NJ2AS President Alexander Roubian, tried to ask Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman the question why her sons only served 1/4 the sentence they should have received for armed robbery. In March of 2000, possessing automatic firearms
The Islamic State’s 'Caliphate Cyber Army' (CCA) released the names, addresses and cell phone numbers of 55 New Jersey police officers, after hacking into a uniform laundry list.
The officers’ ranks, employee numbers and working locations were disclo
Anyone reading this posting send me a friend request.
Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVE) in the US, 2015
New Jersey
Rev. David Wiley
Rev. Dr. Bradford L. Motta, Senior Pastor Morrow Memorial Church, Maplewood, NJ
Shivonne C. McKay, Pastor, Galilee United Methodist Church, Greater New Jersey Conference
Bishop John Schol, The United Methodist Church, Gre
So here we have both of our Senators voting to allow lower restrictions on refugees coming into the country. As we know, Christie vowed not to accept them into NJ but did nothing after being told by the Feds they would cut the funding to the state.
This is ongoing and a resistance rally is planned for Tuesday, Jan 19th.
Wisniewski said he and other neighbors are inviting Donald Trump and political activist Pamela Geller to a demonstration they have planned for next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in f
The political maneuvering is blatant. This was timed perfectly from the beginning. Create a task force in June with the mandate to report in December before a major presidential primary. HO-HUM. This panel recommended nothing that has any teeth b
Governor Christie, who opposes humanitarian efforts to settle Syrian refugees in New Jersey and warns that even widows and orphans “could be connected to terrorism,” conceded for the first time Friday that he does not have the power to stop any refug
Christie says he will veto the bill in its current form. Now the advocates for this travesty are tweaking the bill in order for the Governor to sign it. We have to keep the pressure on our legislators so this bill does not pass the Senate or Assembly
Rally to Support Syrian Refugees
This is an emergency call for solidarity among working people, students, social justice activists, and community members. We must say NO to fear,